In Australia it is common for the risk of some infections and health problems in People and our Pets to be higher after heavy rainfall and flood events.
Heavy rain and floods contribute to the spread and proliferation of many viruses, bacteria, parasites and common protozoa that can cause illness in both people and our pets. Additionally, following major rain events, the populations of biting insects – such as buffalo fly, midges, mosquitoes, stable fly and other biting flies – usually increase significantly and there may be an increase in worm infestations in the immediate post-flood period due to the moist conditions.
Relocating pets? It is important to note that while many pets may have a natural immunity or be able to withstand the effects of common bacteria or parasites in the area that they normally reside, when animals are relocated they may come into contact with new or different strains of these organisms and can succumb to illness because their immune system is not able to adapt quickly enough. Again, this is also more likely to happen if relocating animals into a new region after heavy rainfall events.
The following are some of the disease causing organisms that may spread or be more prolific after ran but it should be considered that nearly all diseases in pets that are caused by external organisms are likely to be at greater risk under these conditions.
- Mosquito borne diseases
- Heartworm
- Ross river virus
- Bacterial & fungal infections:
- Leptospirosis (in affected areas)
- Skin infections like Staph infections.
- Fungal dermatitis
- Histoplasmosis
- Gastroenteritis from:
- Giardia
- Coccidia
- Toxoplasmosis
- Blastocystis
- Campylobacter
- Salmonella
- Cryptosporidiosis
- Worms (All varieties)
Always ensure your pets and livestock have access to clean drinking water and throw out any pet food and livestock feed that has gotten wet, they can be a health hazard and are unsafe to eat. Avoid allowing your pets to play in or drink from floodwaters or creeks and rivers immediately after heavy rain.
Watch for Common signs of illness or infection in your pets including lethargy or decreased energy levels, loss of appetite, not drinking or excessive thirst, changes in behavior (like increased irritability or aggression), and physical signs like vomiting, diarrhea, rashes, excessive itching, or hair loss. Always seek veterinary care if doubts exist.