We have a number of convenient payment options to make it simple for you to pay for your pet transport fees however we no longer accept Cash at pick up or drop off. Please discuss the options with our Customer Service representatives at the time of placing your booking.
Payments may be made by Credit card, Bank transfer, ZipPay or Paypal, Cheques will not be accepted. Payment must be finalised at least one week prior to the collection date and bookings are not confirmed until such time as payment has been received. Booked spaces not paid one week prior may be released.
Bank Transfer (Internet banking)
Pay directly from your cheque or savings account using your banks internet banking site or Mobile phone App prior to the collection date.
Please make your payment to the following account.
Bank: Commonwealth Bank
Acc Name: Dogmovers
BSB No: 064 489
A/C No: 1007 2594
Please use your surname or booking number as a reference to enable us to correctly record your payment against your transport fees.
Transfers can take up to 48 hours from your bank to ours and the payment must be able to be checked by us one week prior to picking up your pet. If the time frame is too short you may need to Call us and pay by Debit/Credit Card or deposit Cash at a CBA Branch.
Please ensure you only arrange bank transfer once you have confirmed your booking with Dogmovers, payment made to unconfirmed bookings do not guarantee space on a run.
Visa / Mastercard
Call our Office to Pay by Credit or Debit card (There are no additional payment surcharges for Credit & Debit card payments and we do not keep any details on file)
Zip Pay / Zip Money

Zip Pay may be able to offer you a simple and re-useable interest free Buy now Pay later account with a credit limit of up to $1000.
If you already have a Zip Pay or Zip Money account click here Use My Zip Account
If you do not have a Zip Pay or Zip Money account click here for further details including how Zip works, the Eligibility criteria, Repayments, Refunds and any associated fees. Explore or Create a Zip Account.

Payments can be made directly from your PayPal account or via Paypal using your Credit Card or authorised account as per your Paypal account settings.
Log directly into your Paypal App or account via your Phone or Computer, click SEND MONEY and enter our email address info@dogmovers.com.au
Please use your booking number (DM******) as your reference to enable us to correctly record the payment against your transport fees.
Please ensure you are making the payment from an authorised account. Some payment types on PayPal can take several days to be processed and may result in the delay of your transport if not made a week prior to the pick up date.
Cash deposit at a CBA Bank Branch
In the event that you do need to pay with cash it will be necessary for you to make a deposit directly at a CBA bank branch over the counter or via an ATM. In this case the funds can be deposited directly to our Commonwealth bank account using the details shown below or alternatively at your own bank who will be able to assist you with a transfer to this account.
Please note that banks may require valid ID for over the counter deposits.
Bank: Commonwealth Bank
Acc Name: Dogmovers
BSB No: 064 489
A/C No: 1007 2594
Please use your booking number (DM******) or Surname as a reference to enable us to correctly record your payment against your transport fees.
Contact Details
Please contact us by email or phone if you have any problems with the above steps or require any further information.
Email: info@dogmovers.com.au
Phone: (07) 5530 2710